Harry Brompton, born in the picturesque Sussex, England, grows up immersed in a passion for golf passed down to him by his father and uncle. However, in the distant year of 1987, his life takes a tragic and incomprehensible turn when, still young, he commits an act of violence without apparent reason. Harry brutally murders a young couple from Bristol inside their home, using a golf club as the murder weapon. The ruthlessness of his act earns him the nickname "Liver" from the media, due to his bizarre act of cannibalism, consuming the livers of both his victims. Convicted of premeditated double murder, he is sentenced to life in the maximum-security psychiatric prison in Yorkshire, England.
After a long period of confinement, eighteen years marked by torment and psychological turmoil within the prison walls, Harry Brompton surprisingly obtains a 48-hour parole on March 14, 2005, thanks to his good behaviour, and is released. On the very day that marks his release, thirty-two-year-old Harry visits the home of the Public Prosecutor who led the trial that resulted in his life sentence, harbouring a desire for revenge deep within his heart. However, his quest for justice takes an unexpected turn when he discovers that the magistrate is not at home. In his place, he encounters the tragic fate of young Rachel Mc. Williams, the Prosecutor's daughter, who coincidentally crosses his path.
Thus, between Harry Brompton's dark past and the oblivious Rachel, who remains unaware of the connection that binds them, unfolds a story of mysteries, redemption, and retribution. "Liver" is an intense psychological thriller that explores the intricate paths of the human mind, revealing hidden secrets in the heart of darkness, as the destinies of Harry and Rachel become inextricably intertwined, testing their lives, beliefs, and will survive in a world that seems to toy with their very existence. The film's ending holds a shocking and unexpected twist, capable of shedding new light on the absurd chance that united Harry Brompton and Rachel Mc. Williams in their fateful destiny.
"Liver" becomes a gripping cinematic journey, a race against time in search of truth and humanity, suspended between darkness and hope.
By virtue of the circumstances outlined above, Ottaviano Blitch, the author, lead actor, and producer of the film "LIVER," solemnly wishes to absolve any form of responsibility in the event that the images and events depicted in this film should, in any way, cause offense or harm to the sensibilities of easily suggestible individuals. Recognizing the importance of safeguarding the emotional integrity of every viewer, the author, in his capacity as the legal representative of the aforementioned film project, acknowledges the potential susceptibility of certain individuals, who may be prone to suggestions and unique reactions to visual and narrative representations.
Therefore, it is expressly prohibited for anyone to attribute any responsibility to the aforementioned author, lead actor, and producer for any psychological, emotional, or mental consequences that may arise from the viewing of this cinematic work. It should also be noted that this liability waiver agreement will be validly executed and shared with all parties involved in the production and distribution of the film "LIVER," in order to unequivocally establish the author's intent not to cause harm to susceptible individuals, allowing them to exercise due caution when evaluating the suitability of experiencing this cinematographic opus.
Finally, the author, lead actor, and producer explicitly disclaim any form of legal or moral responsibility regarding the consequences that may arise from the viewing of "LIVER," emphasizing that the appreciation or consumption of a cinematographic work is an act of free will and personal judgment. It is understood that these provisions do not seek to limit the right to criticize, analyze, and debate the film but rather exemplify a sense of responsibility and sensitivity towards potential effects that may result from exposure to visually and narratively complex or emotionally engaging content.